TIANA Live and Interactive Concert with Host with the Most Ema Cilibiu19...

The 19th December 2021 at 6PM UK Time 1PM USA est 8PM Romania a very special Show from The MOB Radio Talent Show Live with the Host with the Most Ema Cilibiu who Actually is hosting her Own Sister TIANA who is Celebrating her Birthday by Entertaining her friends on our Show and helping us to celebrate the Tenth Anniversary of MOB Radio New Artists Shows The Mob Radio Top Talent Live is inviting you to a very special Concert where we celebrate TIANA,S 12TH Birthday our Tenth and what better way than with the One And Only TIANA Topic: TIANA LIVE and InterActive Concert with the Host with The Most Ema Cilibiu Time: Dec 19, 2021 06:00 PM London Romania 08:00PM USA 01:00PM EST 10AM WST Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4742016113?pwd=T21qdlVoME9zRm9NM05UVEh3Q2JCQT09 Meeting ID: 474 201 6113 Passcode: DocEnter
